The SMART Way to Revolutionize Finance

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Financial transactions are the lifeblood of global commerce, and in today’s digital era, speed and efficiency are paramount. Traditional financial systems often struggle to keep pace with these demands, but a transformative solution has emerged in the form of SMART, the Shared Market of Assets and Real Estate Tokens.

By providing instantaneous transaction settlements, SMART not only enhances operational efficiency but also takes the user experience to a whole new level. In a time where time is of the essence, SMART exchange enables financial transactions that are prompt, seamless, and always at the fingertips of the user. This blog takes an in-depth look at SMART’s key USP and its transformative impact on modern finance. It further delves into the ledger-money system, the invaluable aspect of value retention, the flexibility that comes with the withdrawal option, and the crucial role of ledger balance settlement in making real-time settlement a reality.


Real-Time Settlement: Enhancing Efficiency and User Experience

Traditional financial systems often involve delays in transaction settlements, which can hinder efficiency and impact the user experience. SMART Exchange’s real-time settlement feature addresses this issue by ensuring that transactions are settled instantly. This real-time settlement capability not only enhances operational efficiency but also provides users with a seamless and prompt experience.

The Ledger-Money System: Pegged to Real-World Assets and Fiat Money

SMART’s real-time settlement is made possible through a ledger-money system, where settlements occur in the form of ledger account settlements. These ledger balances are pegged to real-world assets and fiat money held by users, trustees, and escrows. Enabling direct fiat currency transactions (a key innovation) on the exchange without needing native crypto tokens as a medium of exchange. This facilitates intuitive real-world asset trading using traditional currency. This innovative approach ensures that the value in SMART’s ecosystem remains anchored to tangible assets, adding to the platform’s overall liquidity. 

Value Retention: Fostering Liquidity Within the SMART Platform

One unique aspect of SMART’s real-time settlement is that the money being settled stays within the SMART platform. This strategy ensures that the value remains within the network, actively contributing to the platform’s liquidity. In a traditional financial ecosystem, funds often flow out of the system, reducing liquidity. SMART’s approach of retaining value within the platform bolsters the ecosystem’s financial strength.

Withdrawal Option: Empowering Users

While SMART emphasizes retaining value within its platform, it also recognizes the importance of user flexibility and control. To cater to this need, SMART allows users the option to withdraw their funds at any time. This feature empowers users by providing them with the flexibility to access their funds when necessary, striking a balance between retaining value within the platform and user autonomy.

Ledger Balance Settlement: Ensuring Equilibrium

To maintain financial equilibrium and transparency, SMART employs ledger balance settlement upon user withdrawals. When a user decides to withdraw funds, SMART settles the equivalent amount in the user’s token wallet.  This practice ensures that the total value of the accounts remains equal to the value of the assets and fiat money held by the trustees and escrows. In doing so, SMART continues to prioritize balance and fairness within its financial ecosystem.


SMART’s real-time settlement feature represents a paradigm shift in the world of finance. By settling transactions instantly, introducing a ledger-money system pegged to real-world assets, retaining value within the platform, offering user withdrawal options, and ensuring ledger balance settlement, SMART redefines financial efficiency, liquidity, and user control. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, SMART stands at the forefront, providing a glimpse into the future of finance, where real-time settlements are the norm and financial ecosystems thrive on transparency and equilibrium.

SMART’s real-time settlement capability sets a precedent for what is possible in the realm of financial technology. SMART is not just a platform; it is a testament to the potential of blockchain and tokenization to revolutionize finance, ushering in an era of efficiency, inclusivity, and security.



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